To convert your already mastered audio file to AIFF, do the following:
Open Logic Pro.
Import the audio file(s) you want to convert to AIFF. Try to use WAV files here.
You can batch convert multiple song files at the same time. Just drag em all in!
Once you are done with that, go to File > Export > All Tracks as Audio Files
Alternatively you can use the shortcut Shift + Cmd + E
This will convert your files to AIFF for all imported files.
This will bring up a window to choose options for your output audio file and where you want to put it. Select the following options:
Range: Trim Silence at File End
Save Format: AIFF
Leave everything unchecked except "Include Tempo Information"
Normalize: Off
Pattern: Track Name
Click Export.

That's it! That will export all imported tracks in Logic Pro out to the selected Save Format.
If this was helpful, please leave a like and/or comment. I'm happy to answer questions!
Signing off from Blue Haven,